DocuNet v.3
DOCUNET: A web-based PROJECT MANAGEMENT AND COLLABORATION SERVICE that addresses the needs of the design and construction fields. DocuNet offers clear and efficient communication; software that is easy to integrate and navigate; and documented records for future use.
Instructions to Access Docunet:
  1. Go to the internet web browser using Internet Explorer and type "" in the Internet Explorer Address Window.
  2. Click on the "Go" button. The docunet online collaboration screen will come up.
  3. Enter your username, password and check the "remember me" box.
  4. Click on the ">Submit" button. The MyDocuNet page will come up.
  5. Select the name of the project you wish to open by clicking on the name that is underlined.
My DocuNet Page:
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Icons at top right (Docunet Toolbar):
The DocuNet toolbar offers the user an easy way to navigate through the website with one click of the mouse. The toolbar is located along the top portion of the browser window and includes the following options:
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Typical Team Listing View:

select all   send email
It's a convenient way to look up contact information about individuals on the project or to send an e-mail to one or more members of the project team (not the same as the MESSAGES module as shown below). Please remember, team members do not like to be inundated with unnecessary emails so please notify sparingly.

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Messaging Module:
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DocuNet utilizes a series of icons as shortcuts for many functions. For Instructions on how to use any of these functions, refer to the "Help" feature.
View file
Download file
Comment on a particular file
Request Print
History of a particular file
Delete information

Each Tab may have several folders/subfolders in it such as the Construction folder shown above.

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To upload files: (in general, whether it is a Submittal, RFI, Pr Quote, Correspondence, etc.)
  1. Select a folder where the file should be uploaded and click on "upload files"
  2. Next, use the Browse button to find your file. Only one file may be uploaded at a time and in reverse order to ensure files are in correct order in folder (Multiple file upload is explained on the following page)
    1. If you do not fill in the description box, the filename will become the description, along with the extension of the file (i.e., jpeg, pdf, tiff)
  3. Then, click on "Add File". The button below will then change to say "Uploading..."
  4. When file is uploaded, it will appear in the File(s) Uploaded box. If you see the wrong file or have duplicated a file, click on that file and press on Remove File.
  5. When all files you wish to upload are in the box, press Complete, the notification screen will then come up. Please notify members on the project sparingly so they are not inundated with unnecessary emails.
  6. By using the messaging tool and skipping notification at the end of uploading, simply sending a message is allowing for notification of the uploaded drawings and only one email is being sent to members.
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Multiple File Upload:
  1. Once in the appropriate folder and "upload files" has been selected, select "Multiple Files Upload" located in the upper right hand corner.
  2. Click on "add files" and select the files you wish to upload – When selecting the files, select them in reverse order so they will upload in order, for example, you would first select C500, C400, C300, etc.
  3. Select "Upload files"
  4. The next screen will allow you to change the description if you wish, and select "submit"
  5. The option to notify members will be available or you can choose to "skip notification" and notify at the end of your uploading - it is not necessary to notify after every upload as members do not like their inboxes to overflow with notifications.
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RFI Attachments , Submittal Attachments, and PR Quotes Folders:
RFI Attachments Folder:
Submittal Attachments Folder:
PR Quotes Folder:
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Submittals can be filtered for your convenience, as shown above.

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  1. Contract Administrator will set up the log and you will be notified by e-mail of items in your court.
  2. Go to the log and choose "Set Dates". (see next page)
    1. Fill in the "Dates Expected to Designer"
    2. Hit "Submit"
    3. Hit "Complete"
    4. You can set the dates for one or several items at one time.
  3. The dates will automatically be forwarded to the Contract Administrator, who will approve the dates, moving the ball back into the Contractor's court.
  4. After dates have been authorized, you can begin sending submittals.
    1. FIRST, upload the submittal document to the "Submittal Attachments" folder, if applicable.
    2. Then, go to the submittal log and choose the spec section number you wish to submit.
    3. Open the submittal item. (see next page)
    4. Next, click "Add Attachment" at the bottom of the screen.
    5. Then, fill in all the blanks.
    6. Click "Send" submittal item. Contract Administrator will get an automatic notification from DocuNet and forward for review to the appropriate person(s)
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RFI Log:

RFI log can be filtered as shown above, for your convenience.

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  1. Upload any attachments for the RFI in the 'RFI Attachments' folder, most commonly placed under the construction tab OR upload directly from the RFI page by selecting add attachment, this will allow you to browse for files to attach.
  2. Go to the RFI Log.
  3. Click on "New RFI" in the upper left hand corner, a blank RFI form will appear on the next screen as shown below.
  4. Choose the appropriate discipline from the drop-down menu (GC, MC, EC, etc).
  5. Choose the appropriate bid package from the drop-down menu (WP#1, WP#2, WP#3, etc), if applicable.
  6. Fill in the blanks (Applicable References, Spec Section, Contract Drawings, Subject, Question, and Contractor's Suggested Solution).
  7. If you will have attachments, click "Add attachment" at the bottom of the page and add attachment.
  8. Hit "Submit" and the RFI will be routed to the Contract Administrator automatically.
*Note: If the "Add Attachments" box is checked, a screen will appear for you to choose attachments before completion. Then, the RFI will be automatically forwarded to the Contract Administrator.
New RFI:

Fill in the appropriate blanks to process - once submitted it goes directly to Construction Administrator.

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The Project Changes folder contains subfolders for Clarifications, Proposal Requests, PR Quotes, Change Orders and any other documents as needed. Access to these folders can be limited by level or by individual. One way of issuing Clarifications, etc. is to post (upload) a file of the document on Docunet and notify all parties when the document is posted. A capital "T" in the cloud indicates that a comment was made by one or more persons regarding this document.
Example of a Comment:

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  1. Contractor will review Proposal Request and provide quote information.
  2. Upload your quote to ‘Project Changes' subfolder titled ‘PR Quotes', usually kept under the construction tab.
  3. Now, open the Proposal Request you are submitting a quote for and attach your quote to the bottom of the PR.
  4. Next, choose from the drop down menus increase or decrease the Contract Dollar Amount and Contract Duration.
  5. Then, enter the dollar amount and number of calendar days for the quote. (Do not use " $")
  6. Lastly, choose the action at the top right of the screen to ‘Submit Quotation' and an automatic notification will be sent to the Contract Administrator.
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Helpful Tips and Tricks
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If you have any further questions please feel free to contact:

Jim Kiefer with Docunet Online, Inc.